
Beyond Work

Value Added Services For IndusGuru Experts

A knowledge sharing session and Fireside chat on
Demystifying ESG
Held on 29th August 2022
An Initiative of
Event Data

Our Speakers


Key Takeaways from our Speakers

  1. ESG is all about the ability of corporations to create and sustain long-term value in the areas of environment, social and governance and to manage the associated changes, risks and opportunities.
  2. There are various metrics around ESG and continuous regulatory developments happening in this area in the form of ratings and reporting.
    • It is adopted globally now with maximum economies covered.
    • Existing regulatory mandates in India on "Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting".
  3. "Someone's waste can be someone else's treasure". Highlighting the importance of circular economy, waste can be transformed into raw material for someone else using technical interventions.
  4. Sustainability is a part of a leader's vision as it also concerns creating value and return in the long run, and it cannot be just a short-term management exercise.
  5. Relating development of a nation with sustainability, there are always tradeoffs. Infrastructural development in itself creates jobs and greatly contributes to the national economy. Hence such tradeoffs always demand sustainability to be a balancing act.