You agree that your use of any of IndusGuru Network Partners LLP’s websites is subject to that website’s terms of use, except to the extent those terms conflict with these Terms & Conditions, in which case these Terms & Conditions shall control. The English version of these Terms and Conditions shall control over any translations.


The IndusGuru Network Partners LLP Network consists of professionals and consultants in various industries and specialties who educate and share insights with financial and business leaders and other organizations and professionals (“Clients”). IndusGuru Network Partners LLP provides opportunities for Expert Consultants to participate in different types of projects (“Projects”), such as hourly expert consultations, Flexi staffing, SME Advisory, and fractional/ interim CXO roles, full-time recruitment.


For an individual, you must be of age 18 or above, to register as a user and use the website and its services. For a company, partnership firm, trust (any other except an individual), you must have the capacity to form a binding contract in your jurisdiction. You state that you have the authority to enter into a contract with IndusGuru and abide by all of the terms and conditions set forth in the Terms. You also agree that you will use the website in a manner consistent with all applicable laws, rules & regulations.


You will be required to accept these Terms & Conditions on a yearly basis. IndusGuru Network Partners LLP, however, reserves the right to require you to accept the Terms & Conditions at any time.

You confirm that you are not prohibited or limited in any way from participating in the IndusGuru Network Partners LLP Network by any contract (e.g., employment, consulting, confidentiality, or non-disclosure agreements), your current employer’s policies or codes of conduct (if you are employed), or any similar policies or obligations that limit your conduct in any way. Further, to the extent your ability to consult is limited in any way, you confirm that you have obtained all necessary consents or waivers (e.g., the consent of your employer, any company or organization for which you have consulted, or any affiliated academic or government organization) to participate as a Expert Consultant. It is your responsibility to determine whether you are permitted to join the IndusGuru Network Partners LLP Network.

As an Expert Consultant, you acknowledge and agree to the following:

  1. you are a non-agent independent contractor of IndusGuru Network Partners LLP;
  2. you have no authority to act on behalf of IndusGuru Network Partners LLP;
  3. you are not eligible for any IndusGuru Network Partners LLP or Client employment benefits based on your participation in the IndusGuru Network Partners LLP Network;
  4. you shall not identify any Client or IndusGuru Network Partners LLP as your employer;
  5. you are joining the IndusGuru Network Partners LLP Network in your individual capacity and not as a representative or on behalf of any other entity (such as past or present employers), except as otherwise agreed in writing between such entity and IndusGuru Network Partners LLP;
  6. IndusGuru Network Partners LLP, in its sole discretion, may determine your eligibility for membership in the IndusGuru Network Partners LLP Network.

If you are in any way unsure about your ability to comply with these Terms & Conditions, then you must decline to participate as an Expert Consultant.


At all times during your participation in the IndusGuru Network Partners LLP Network, you agree to act in good faith, in a professional and workmanlike manner, to the best of your ability, and in accordance with these Terms & Conditions and all applicable laws and regulations. When engaging in Projects, you agree to abide by any obligations you may have that limit what you can discuss or the scope of your participation in the IndusGuru Network Partners LLP Network.


During the course of your participation in the IndusGuru Network Partners LLP Network you SHALL NOT disclose confidential information, which includes:

  • Material, nonpublic information (MNPI), including MNPI related to any company, security, industry, or pending government action or legislation;
  • Proprietary information, including trade secrets, copyrighted information, business information, belonging to past or present employers, companies for whom you have consulted, or any other third party;
  • Non-public or confidential information related to pending government action or inaction;
  • Information that you have a duty or have agreed to keep confidential (e.g., by contract, fiduciary duty, etc.);
  • Information that was disclosed to you or to which you were permitted access under the assumption or expectation that you keep it confidential; and
  • Information you believe may be confidential.

Additionally, you will not disclose any information that you are otherwise prohibited from disclosing under applicable law or which might result in your breach of any regulatory, legal, ethical, or professional standard or rule.

You further agree to the following in considering, accepting and completing Project opportunities:

  • If you are an employee or director of a company, you will not
    1. Discuss or disclose that company’s information (such as its performance, strategy, processes,operations, or internal metrics).
    2. Accept or engage in any Projects about that company, or
    3. Consult for any Client you reasonably believe to be a direct competitor of that company in each case without the express written consent of the company and IndusGuru Network Partners LLP;
  • If you are an auditor or former auditor, you will not consult about organizations that you or your employer currently audit or have audited in the last three years;
  • If you have worked in the accounting or finance department of a company within the past year, you will not discuss accounting or financial issues relating to that company or its affiliates;
  • If you are an employee or director of an entity issuing securities in an initial public offering (IPO) or that has made, or is the subject of, a tender offer, or an entity that has acted on behalf of such a company in connection with such tender offer, you will decline all Project invitations until the commencement of such offering or while the tender offer process is ongoing;
  • If you are a lawyer, you will not give legal advice in connection with a Project and you do not establish an attorney-client relationship with Clients through Projects;
  • You will not give investment advice, including without limitation, rating or recommending any security, providing advice as to the value of any security, or providing any advice regarding the advisability of investing in, purchasing, or selling any security;
  • To the extent not already reflected in your IndusGuru Network Partners LLP employment history or IndusGuru Network Partners LLP Expert Consultant Profile, you will disclose to IndusGuru Network Partners LLP any material financial interests or business relationships you have, or any entity under your control has, that you reasonably believe would be relevant in assessing your objectivity or conflicts of interest for the Project, or you will decline the Project if you are unable or unwilling to make such a disclosure;
  • You will not use your participation in the IndusGuru Network Partners LLP Network to promote any products, companies or opportunities without consent from IndusGuru Network Partners LLP prior to your participation in the Project;
  • You will not accept any compensation other than that provided by IndusGuru Network Partners LLP for your work performed for Clients without first obtaining the express written consent of IndusGuru Network Partners LLP; and
  • You will not record or transcribe, or permit any third party to join (except with prior consent from IndusGuru Network Partners LLP), your consultations with clients.

Additionally, note that most current government officials and government agency officials worldwide are ineligible to participate in the IndusGuru Network Partners LLP Network. If you are one of the few Expert Consultants who are an employee, officer, or other person acting in an official capacity for any government (or its instrumentalities), government owned/controlled organization, enterprise or entity, or public international organization (e.g., WHO, World Bank, United Nations, etc.), or any political party, party official, or candidate for political office, you agree not to discuss legislation, regulation, policy, contracts, or other business that you are in a position to vote upon or otherwise influence. Further, you agree to promptly notify IndusGuru Network Partners LLP if you become an elected official, candidate for political office, or employee, officer, or other person acting in an official capacity for any government (or its instrumentalities), government owned/controlled organization, enterprise or entity, public international organization, or political party.

IndusGuru Network Partners LLP will, from time to time, inform you of additional rules that you are required to observe and specific topics that you are not permitted to discuss. You agree to observe these rules and any limitations we place on what you can discuss.

You represent that you are not and have not been in the past, convicted or accused of any felony or any offense involving dishonesty or deception, or sued for theft of corporate assets, fraud, breach of any confidentiality or nondisclosure agreement, breach of fiduciary duty, or any similar action across the globe and as defined by any respective financial governing body in any country, to promptly disclose that information to IndusGuru Network Partners LLP by emailing info@IndusGuru.IN. While IndusGuru Network Partners LLP reserves the right to verify this independently you agree to notify IndusGuru Network Partners LLP immediately if your status changes with respect to any of these representations.


While you are a Expert Consultant and thereafter, you agree not to disclose or to attempt to use or personally benefit from (e.g., use to trade securities or make investment decisions) any Restricted Information (as defined below) that is disclosed to or known by you because of your participation in the IndusGuru Network Partners LLP Network until such time as the Restricted Information has become publicly available through no action of your own, except to the extent required by law or as expressly permitted by IndusGuru Network Partners LLP for the purpose of facilitating a particular Project. The following should be considered strictly confidential (unless otherwise expressly allowed by the client):

  1. The identity of Clients (e.g., do not list Clients on your resume, website, or any business networking profile)
  2. Information about Projects, including Project invites and lists to which you are granted access
  3. Information about any actual or potential business, investment or trading decisions, or transactions of any Client
  4. Materials and information provided to you by Client, or
  5. Any other nonpublic or proprietary information of IndusGuru Network Partners LLP or its Clients (collectively, “Restricted Information”).
If you are compelled by order of a court or other governmental or legal body (or have notice that such an order is being sought) to divulge any Restricted Information to anyone, you will promptly notify IndusGuru Network Partners LLP, unless prohibited from doing so by the express terms of a government subpoena or court order, and will cooperate fully with IndusGuru Network Partners LLP in protecting such information to the extent possible under applicable law. Upon request by IndusGuru Network Partners LLP or the applicable Client, you agree to return or destroy all Restricted Information in your possession.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, if and only to the extent necessary, you may disclose the general topic and Client description to secure any required third-party consent to your participation as a Expert Consultant or in a Project prior to accepting an invitation for that Project.

Some Projects are collaborative, and involve working with other Expert Consultants. You owe the same duty of non-disclosure to such other Expert Consultants as you would to any Client under these Terms & Conditions. Additionally, if during the course of Projects, you are first introduced to other Expert Consultants, you may not, directly or indirectly, solicit those Expert Consultants for projects or other engagements outside of IndusGuru Network Partners LLP without the prior written consent of IndusGuru Network Partners LLP.


You agree to provide IndusGuru Network Partners LLP with accurate and complete biographical information, including your current job status, any directorships, and at least two years of employment history, and to promptly update that information as it changes.

IndusGuru Network Partners LLP or its Clients may ask you for other information, including your availability, expertise, knowledge of, or experience with, certain companies or products, or suitability to consult on particular topics or in general. Collectively, such information about you, as well as any information in your IndusGuru Network Partners LLP Expert Consultant Profile and any photographs or images you choose to add to your profile, are your “Expert Consultant Information.” While IndusGuru Network Partners LLP may revise Expert Consultant Information on your behalf based upon information provided by you or other available sources, you are solely responsible for maintaining and updating your Expert Consultant Information and ensuring its accuracy. You acknowledge that IndusGuru Network Partners LLP, Clients, and IndusGuru Network Partners LLP’s third-party partners will rely on your Expert Consultant Information when selecting you for Projects. Therefore, you agree not to accept any Project with any Client unless your Expert Consultant Information is accurate, complete, and up-to-date.

You agree that IndusGuru Network Partners LLP may, if it so chooses, verify your identity, conduct a background check on you, including through a third-party service, seek to confirm your employment history and education credentials, as well as check for any publicly available information (including history of criminal, regulatory or civil matters) that might impact Clients’ willingness to engage with you. You should proactively disclose to IndusGuru Network Partners LLP any such negative information so we can assess if it will impact your ability to engage with IndusGuru Network Partners LLP or Clients. IndusGuru Network Partners LLP may also seek to verify the accuracy of the payment requests you submit and confirm the substance of your discussions with Clients. You agree to cooperate with IndusGuru Network Partners LLP as it conducts background checks and any other verifications.

Clients may be required, by law or their own compliance policies, to disclose certain details of their interactions with you, including your name and the amount you were paid to third parties (“Required Client Disclosures”). You authorize Clients, or IndusGuru Network Partners LLP on their behalf, to make Required Client Disclosures and you agree to provide any additional information necessary to complete any Required Client Disclosures.

IndusGuru reserves the right to use the consultant's photograph and pseudo description to showcase profiles to the client and/or social media as one of our empaneled consultant (s).

You consent to IndusGuru Network Partners LLP contacting you by email, telephone, SMS, or otherwise, to process and administer details of your membership in the IndusGuru Network Partners LLP Network, to provide you with opportunities to participate in Projects, to assist with required approvals and consents for Project participation, to comply with applicable laws and Client compliance policies, and to tell you about IndusGuru Network Partners LLP’s business.

IndusGuru provides a mechanism for you to 'opt-out' from receiving promotional information from IndusGuru in future. All IndusGuru mailers will provide opt-out options to enable you stop receiving future mailers.


IndusGuru Network Partners LLP will process Expert Consultant information in accordance with IndusGuru Network Partners LLP’s Privacy Policy. In the course of providing services, complying with its own contractual and regulatory obligations, and operating its business, IndusGuru Network Partners LLP may process personal data in accordance with applicable data protection laws. Further information about IndusGuru Network Partners LLP’s processing activities can be found in the IndusGuru Network Partners LLP Privacy Policy, which is available on the IndusGuru Network Partners LLP website. Additional copies of the IndusGuru Network Partners LLP Privacy Policy are available on request.

The IndusGuru Network Partners LLP Privacy Policy sets out relevant information regarding, among other things:

  1. the collection and creation of personal data by, or on behalf of, IndusGuru Network Partners LLP.
  2. the categories of personal data processed.
  3. the lawful basis for such processing.
  4. the purposes of such processing.
  5. the disclosure of personal data to third parties (including processors).
  6. the international transfer of personal data.
  7. the data security measures applied by IndusGuru Network Partners LLP.
  8. IndusGuru Network Partners LLP’s compliance with the principles of data accuracy, data retention and data minimization.
  9. the rights of data subjects.
  10. contact details for enquiries and the exercise of data protection rights. The IndusGuru Network Partners LLP Privacy Policy may be updated or revised from time to time without prior notice. You are encouraged to review the IndusGuru Network Partners LLP Privacy Policy periodically.

In the event that you disclose the personal data of any third party to IndusGuru Network Partners LLP, you shall, to the greatest extent permitted under applicable law, draw the attention of that third party to the IndusGuru Network Partners LLP Privacy Policy, prior to making such disclosure.

You agree to process personal data you receive from IndusGuru Network Partners LLP in accordance with the applicable provisions of these Terms & Conditions, the IndusGuru Network Partners LLP Privacy Policy, and any instructions IndusGuru Network Partners LLP provides.


Your participation in Projects is always at your discretion. IndusGuru Network Partners LLP makes no representation regarding the frequency, quantity, or type of invitations to Projects you will receive or in which you will be chosen to participate. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by IndusGuru Network Partners LLP or stated in any Project invitation, you will be compensated only for the time you spend interacting with Clients on Projects at your agreed rate. You will not be compensated for preparation time, wait time, or time set aside if a Project with a Client does not occur. You may not assign Projects or delegate any portion of your work to others (including without limitation to any other employees of your firm) without IndusGuru Network Partners LLP’s prior written consent.

All interactions must be set up through IndusGuru Network Partners LLP or its systems. You are not permitted to share your contact information (either phone or email) directly with the Client without the written consent of IndusGuru Network Partners LLP. If a Client contacts you without having arranged the Project through IndusGuru Network Partners LLP, and you consult with the Client, you are not eligible for payment from IndusGuru Network Partners LLP, even if the call is a follow-up to a recent Project that was arranged through IndusGuru Network Partners LLP. Clients are not authorized to expand the scope of a Project except with IndusGuru Network Partners LLP’s written authorization.


In performing Project work on behalf of Clients, you are not to interact with third parties except with the written authorization of IndusGuru Network Partners LLP. If authorized to do so, you agree to advise any third party with whom you interact that you are not seeking, and do not want, any confidential information, including material non-public information, and that he/she must comply with his/her existing obligations to any third parties, including past or present employers. Further, during these interactions the following conduct is strictly prohibited:

  • Presenting yourself under false pretenses or pretexts.
  • Describing yourself as working for or on behalf of IndusGuru Network Partners LLP.
  • Identifying the Client on whose behalf you are acting (you may disclose the type of client firm without identifying such Client by name).
  • Hiring or engaging such person as an agent, subcontractor, or consultant without IndusGuru Network Partners LLP and the Client’s written consent.
  • Soliciting information that you believe the person, if he/she were a Expert Consultant, could not disclose under these Terms & Conditions.
  • Offering, giving, or attempting to give anything of value to anyone without IndusGuru Network Partners LLP and the Client’s written consent.


You acknowledge that you are aware of anti-corruption/anti-bribery laws in general, and commit yourself to abide by such laws. Therefore, when performing work on behalf of IndusGuru Network Partners LLP or its Clients you shall not accept, offer, promise, or pay any money, gift, or any other thing of value from or to any person:

  • For the purpose of influencing official actions or decisions, while knowing or having reason to know that any portion of this money, gift or thing shall, directly or indirectly, be given, offered, or promised to
    1. an employee, officer, or other person acting in an official capacity for any government (or its instrumentalities), government owned/controlled organization, enterprise or entity, or public international organization (e.g., WHO, World Bank, United Nations, etc.) or
    2. any political party, party official, or candidate for political office.
  • For the purpose of obtaining or retaining business or inducing any person to cease to act in good faith, impartially, or in accordance with a position of trust; or
  • To improperly induce any person to provide you with information.


Membership in the IndusGuru Network Partners LLP Network is non-exclusive and there is no minimum time commitment (unless otherwise agreed in writing). As a condition to participation in the IndusGuru Network Partners LLP Network, for Clients to whom you are first introduced to through IndusGuru Network Partners LLP, for a period of one year from the most recent Project with or introduction to such Client you agree not to knowingly solicit projects from or propose or agree to any kind of consulting, advisory (including directorships), or employment arrangement with such Client, either directly or indirectly, without the written permission of IndusGuru Network Partners LLP. This provision does not prohibit you from being retained by a Client to provide legal advice. For a period of one year after the termination of your relationship with IndusGuru Network Partners LLP, you also agree not to knowingly solicit for employment any employee of IndusGuru Network Partners LLP or any Clients to whom you were first introduced due to your Expert Consultant status. IndusGuru will be free to inform the client of this breach of trust and commitment and also pursue relevant legal recourse for this as applicable.


You represent that any materials, regardless of format, that you submit, upload to a IndusGuru Network Partners LLP website, or otherwise provide to a Client or to IndusGuru Network Partners LLP, whether orally or in writing, (collectively, “Content”) is your intellectual property or you have obtained any necessary permissions or licenses to such Content. You are solely responsible for your Content, and you agree not to submit Content that is unlawful, threatening, defamatory, profane, deceptive, misleading, infringes on the rights of another, or otherwise violates these Terms & Conditions.


As part of a Project, you may be asked to create content for a Client (“Project Content”). You hereby assign, convey, and transfer to Client all right, title and interest in and to the Project Content and agree that any Project Content shall be solely owned by Client. You further agree to cooperate with and sign all documents reasonably requested by Client to enable Client to secure, register and enforce in India and any foreign countries, copyrights in all works owned by or assigned to Client. Client may use Project Content for any purpose permitted under that Client’s agreement with IndusGuru Network Partners LLP, which may include reproduction, disclosure, transmission, publication, broadcast, and posting, unless otherwise agreed in writing by IndusGuru Network Partners LLP and the Client. Content you create independently of any Project (“Retained Content”, together with Project Content, “Content”) remains your property and you retain all rights, title, and interest in and to such Retained Content; however, you grant the Client a perpetual, world-wide, royalty-free, and transferable license to use any Retained Content incorporated into any Project Content. Without limiting the foregoing, you agree that each Client is free to use any ideas, concepts, know-how, or techniques contained in any Content you transmit to that Client for any purpose whatsoever, including, but not limited to, developing, manufacturing, and marketing products using such information. Any inventions, discoveries or improvements that are based in full or in part on any Content and information you create for a Client in the course of a Project, and all intellectual property rights in such inventions, discoveries, or improvements, shall be owned entirely by and shall be proprietary to the Client.

You further consent to IndusGuru Network Partners LLP’s Clients recording and transcribing your consultations or other interactions with them (“Client Recordings”), and agree that any Client Recordings are owned by Clients and may be used by such Client and IndusGuru Network Partners LLP for any purpose permitted under that Client's agreement with IndusGuru Network Partners LLP. As part of their compliance protocols, some Clients may have a professional or independent third party (in addition to the Client user(s) you will speak with) chaperoning phone consultations. On occasion, their presence may be unannounced (i.e., you will not be notified that they are listening). By signing these Terms & Conditions you consent to consultations being chaperoned, recorded, and/or transcribed at Clients’ election.


You retain ownership to Retained Content that you submit for sale or license to Clients (“Syndicated Content”); however, you provide IndusGuru Network Partners LLP a limited license to market, promote and sell such Syndicated Content on its websites and otherwise, including by showing samples or limited portions of Syndicated Content to potential purchasers (including through third party partner websites), and to process Syndicated Content for use with IndusGuru Network Partners LLP’s automated search and suggestion systems.


Content that you submit for publication by IndusGuru Network Partners LLP (“Publications”), other than Syndicated Content, shall be owned by IndusGuru Network Partners LLP and you shall retain no license to use such Content unless otherwise provided by IndusGuru Network Partners LLP in the terms of such Publication.


IndusGuru Network Partners LLP may invite you to participate in a Project for which your image and/or voice may be recorded and/or transcribed ('IndusGuru Network Partners LLP Recordings') by IndusGuru Network Partners LLP, Client, or their agents, such as at a live meeting, webcast, conference call, conference, interview, or other event. You agree, notwithstanding anything else in these Terms & Conditions, that IndusGuru Network Partners LLP (or if applicable, the Client who records their Projects as facilitated by IndusGuru Network Partners LLP) owns IndusGuru Network Partners LLP Recordings and has the exclusive right to attribute IndusGuru Network Partners LLP Recordings to you and to use, distribute, sell, reproduce, publish, reprint, modify, adapt, sublicense, and publicly display IndusGuru Network Partners LLP Recordings, in whole or in part, in original form or as edited or modified by IndusGuru Network Partners LLP, in all languages and forms, for any commercial or noncommercial purpose unless otherwise agreed in writing.


For all Content other than Project Content, Retained Content, Syndicated Content, and Recordings, you grant IndusGuru Network Partners LLP a perpetual, world-wide, royalty-free, transferable, and exclusive license to use, distribute, reproduce, publish, reprint, modify, adapt, sublicense, and publicly display such Content, in whole or in part, in original form or as edited or modified by IndusGuru Network Partners LLP, in all languages and forms, for any commercial or noncommercial purpose unless otherwise agreed in writing.


You additionally release IndusGuru Network Partners LLP, and any and all persons acting under its permission or authority from any claim, liability, or action in law, including any claims for defamation, copyright infringement, or invasion of privacy, arising in connection with your Content. Further, you agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless IndusGuru Network Partners LLP and its Clients from and against any third-party claim that your Content or the use of your Content infringes upon any patent, trademark, copyright, trade secret, or other intellectual property right.


These Terms & Conditions are intended to benefit Clients. Clients expect that all Projects will be carried out in accordance with these Terms & Conditions and applicable laws and that, among other things, they will not receive any confidential information, including material non-public information, and their own Restricted Information will not be disclosed. Clients may from time-to-time request that you confirm any part of these Terms & Conditions, and any additional terms or compliance policies required by Clients as a condition to your participation in or payment on a Project (“Confirmations”). You agree that, to the extent you have provided any Confirmations, you shall be obligated to honor such Confirmations in addition to these Terms & Conditions, and that the applicable Client shall have the right to directly enforce your compliance with such Client’s Confirmations, if any. You understand that other Expert Consultants, each Client, and the person with whom you may engage in any Project is an intended beneficiary of these Terms & Conditions and the covenants and agreements made by you hereunder, and that Clients, as third-party beneficiaries of these Terms & Conditions, have the right to directly enforce your compliance with these Terms & Conditions.


You acknowledge that IndusGuru Network Partners LLP and/or Client may require you to attest to your compliance with these Terms and Conditions and certain other additional terms and compliance policies upon completion of a Project, including confirmation that during the Project:

  1. you did not disclose to the Client any confidential, including material nonpublic, information, or any information obtained under a duty of trust, or unlawfully or inappropriately.
  2. you did not breach any obligation to a third party, including an employer or former employer.
  3. you complied with, and will continue to comply with, the Terms & Conditions of Expert Consultantship and IndusGuru Network Partners LLP’s compliance policies and procedures.
  4. you will not use, or disclose to third parties, any information you have obtained from the Client. You agree to immediately notify IndusGuru Network Partners LLP if you believe that there was a violation of these requirements by emailing on Info@IndusGuru.in. You further agree that by invoicing IndusGuru Network Partners LLP for any Project, you are attesting to the above conditions related to the Project.


You are responsible for providing an invoice with your or your organization’s payment details to your project-specific SPOC from IndusGuru Network Partners LLP and inform IndusGuru about any update in such information. If you are employed, you must follow your employer’s policies that may relate to payment by IndusGuru Network Partners LLP. IndusGuru Network Partners LLP will pay within 7-10 days of receiving payment from the Client. To the extent any post-project attestations are required in connection with a project, those attestations must be provided in order to receive payment. Payments will be based on the applicable rate in your profile upon Project acceptance unless otherwise agreed in writing by IndusGuru Network Partners LLP or as specified in the Project invitation. For telephone or video consultations you will be compensated for the total number of minutes spent on the phone with Clients (as recorded in IndusGuru Network Partners LLP’s systems). Any partial minutes will be rounded down to the nearest whole minute.

There are no charges for consultants upon empanelment. A charge* of 1% of the billing value is applied, only once a Project is won through IndusGuru - and thereon in each invoice as an administrative fee for the services of contracting, billing, and collection on any project won and billed through IndusGuru. The amount deducted in every invoice is capped at INR 3,000 per transaction. All charges are subject to GST as per government regulations.

* - This charge will be applied in all new contracts with Consultants, where we have Consultants who get deployed after 1st July - and who are not subscribing or paying consultants yet. Please note that those who were subscribing consultants as part of our platform before 1st July will not be subject to this 1% charge for the rest of their membership term.

If you or your employer has specified that payments be remitted to your employer, you agree, so long as your relationship with your employer exists or until your employer provides otherwise in writing, that payments will be made to your employer.

If a Client disputes your request for payment or the quality of your work on a Project, IndusGuru Network Partners LLP may withhold payment until such dispute is resolved. You agree that in the event of any such payment dispute, IndusGuru Network Partners LLP has the sole and final authority to resolve such dispute in IndusGuru Network Partners LLP's reasonable discretion, and you agree to be bound thereby. You further understand and agree that you have no right to payment for a Project to the extent IndusGuru Network Partners LLP reasonably determines you have violated these Terms & Conditions or IndusGuru Network Partners LLP's compliance rules, including but not limited to providing incorrect information in your IndusGuru Network Partners LLP Expert Consultant Profile or referring third parties in violation of law or IndusGuru Network Partners LLP’s referral rules, and to the extent you have already received payment for Projects involving such violations, IndusGuru Network Partners LLP shall have the right to recover such payments in full.

IndusGuru Network Partners LLP may require you to provide additional information (including your date of birth, government identification numbers, PAN, or equivalent Tax Identification number) about yourself or your employer/company as part of IndusGuru Network Partners LLP's security procedures. To protect your information from third party misuse, please provide such information or any updates to your bank account by phone or through IndusGuru Network Partners LLP’s websites, or email. You also agree that all fees imposed on you by any banking institution to process any payment from IndusGuru Network Partners LLP are your sole responsibility.

You agree that you are responsible for paying any applicable taxes in your jurisdiction on payments you receive from IndusGuru Network Partners LLP, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and, if applicable, you agree to provide IndusGuru Network Partners LLP evidence of such tax payments upon IndusGuru Network Partners LLP’s request.



In the event that you breach, or threaten to breach, any of the obligations contained in the terms of use of IndusGuru Network Partners LLP websites or the Sections of these Terms & Conditions titled Communication with Third Parties, Confidentiality of IndusGuru Network Partners LLP and Client Information, or Non-Solicitation of Clients, you acknowledge that IndusGuru Network Partners LLP’s and/or Clients’ remedies at law will be inadequate and that Client and/or IndusGuru Network Partners LLP will be entitled to an injunction to prevent your prospective or continuing breach and to maintain the status quo pending arbitration provided for below.

In no event shall IndusGuru Network Partners LLP be liable to you or any other party for any damages resulting from or relating to your participation as a Expert Consultant, the performance of any services by you as a Expert Consultant, the processing of personal data by or about you, or the business operations of IndusGuru Network Partners LLP, including without limitation for any incidental, consequential, punitive, or special damages regardless of the theory of liability and even if IndusGuru Network Partners LLP was informed of the possibility of such damages. IndusGuru Network Partners LLP agrees that for its part it shall not seek to impose on any individual Expert Consultant any liability for damages based on his or her performance of services hereunder as a Expert Consultant, including without limitation for any incidental, consequential, punitive, or special damages, so long as such damages do not relate to or arise out of the failure of the Expert Consultant to comply with these Terms & Conditions, including the guidelines and restrictions referenced herein, or conduct or activity by the Expert Consultant that constitutes gross misconduct, fraud, or violates any applicable law. You are solely responsible for your actions. IndusGuru Network Partners LLP shall have no obligation to defend you, provide you with legal counsel, or pay legal costs and expenses on your behalf.


This Privacy Policy and Terms of Use shall be governed by and constructed in accordance with the laws of India only without reference to conflict of laws principles and disputes arising in relation hereto shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Mumbai, India.


If any provision of these Terms & Conditions shall be held to be illegal, invalid, or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.


The provisions of the sections (including subsections) of these Terms & Conditions entitled Non-Solicitation of Clients, Expert Consultant Content, Privacy Policy, Confidentiality of IndusGuru Network Partners LLP and Client Information, Reliance by Clients, and Agreement Details shall survive any termination or expiration of these Terms & Conditions.


Subject to your obligation to complete Projects for which you are engaged, you have the right to withdraw from the IndusGuru Network Partners LLP Network at any time upon notice to IndusGuru Network Partners LLP, and IndusGuru Network Partners LLP has the unlimited right to terminate or limit your membership in the IndusGuru Network Partners LLP Network at any time and for any reason.


Making copies of this website or any portion of this website for any purpose is a violation of copyright laws. Contents of this website may not be duplicated in any way without the express consent of IndusGuru, except in the form of excerpts for purpose of review. Users shall not use the website in order to transmit, distribute, store or destroy material, including without limitation the content provided by the website for any unlawful purpose or in violation of any applicable law, regulation, international law; or in a manner that will infringe the copyright, trademark, trade secret or other intellectual property; or rights of others or violate the privacy, publicity or other personal rights of others, or that is defamatory, libelous, obscene, threatening, abusive or is offensive to users of the website, such as content or messages that promotes racism, bigotry, hatred or physical harm of any kind against any group or individual.


IndusGuru may at its sole discretion and without assigning any reason whatsoever at any time deactivate or/and suspend the User’s access to the Website and/or the Services (as the case may be) without giving any prior notice, to carry out system maintenance or/and upgrading or/and testing or/and repairs or/and other related work. Without prejudice to any other provisions of these Terms, IndusGuru shall not be liable to indemnify the User for any loss or/and damage or/and costs or/and expense that the User may suffer or incur, and no fees or/and charges payable by the User to the IndusGuru shall be deducted or refunded or rebated, as a result of such deactivation or/and suspension.


The information contained on this website is provided for information purposes only and provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, express or implied. Nothing contained in this website is intended to, nor shall have the effect of, creating any warranties or representations from IndusGuru or altering the terms governing the use of the services. While every precaution has been taken in preparation of this website to eliminate errors, IndusGuru assumes no responsibility for errors and omissions or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.


During the course of providing services to the user, neither party shall be liable for any default or delay in the performance of its obligations if and to the extent such default is caused, directly or indirectly, by fires, floods, power failures, acts of God, etc. and restrictions of any country affecting the export of Goods or technology to the Service Provider, or import regulations or requirements of India, whatever the causes are, which would be violated by performance of the Agreement, whichever applicable.


In general, you can visit the Website without disclosing your personal information. To use all the services offered by IndusGuru, you will need to register using our online registration form, where you will be required to provide us with your contact and identity information and other Personal Information as indicated on the forms on the website. The registration process is not deemed complete till you receive a confirmation email from IndusGuru and follow the instructions in the email to complete the registration process.


IndusGuru uses cookies and other technologies to keep track of your interactions with our sites. This is done to offer you a more personalized experience. You agree that we may use such information to do internal research on our users demographics, interests, and behavior pattern. As a part of the behavior pattern, we may also the URL you came from (whether form our site or not), which URL you go to (whether URL on our website or not), your computer's browser information, and your Internet Protocol (“IP”) address. Cookies also help analyse our web page flow, measure promotional effectiveness, and promote security. Use of cookies allows you to enter your password less frequently during a session.

You consent that if you send us personal correspondence, such as emails or letters, or if other users or third parties send us correspondence about your activities or postings on the Website, we may collect and/or store such information for our records.

You also agree that IndusGuru has the right and authority to reveal general statistical information about our website and visitors, such as number of visitors, number and type of services purchased, etc.


You may review, correct, update or change your account information at any time. To protect your privacy and security, we will verify your identity before granting access or making changes to your Personal Information. If you have registered your profile on the Website, your ID and Password are required in order to access your Account.


We may assign any of our responsibilities/obligations to any other person without notice to the User, at its sole discretion. However, you shall not assign, sub-licence or otherwise transfer any of your rights or obligations under this Privacy Policy to any other party, unless written consent is taken from us.